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Both the process and the fee structures for high-end Thought Leadership Strategy & Writing are far too little understood. This is not surprising when so many Consultants and Writers are so unnaturally coy about being direct: there is a reluctance to be clear on fees which one simply doesn't find in other professions such as engineering, law, and so on. And all of this in turn can cause potential misunderstandings that undermine what ought actually to begin as an exciting Strategic (Ad)Venture. 

As such I strive to be clear and upfront on Fees & Terms (the SLTLA Rate Card is available to download, Right; whilst negotiation is of course always available for the right Client, these provide general parameters) and I have also carefully devised 3 clear-cut Packages as an Entry Point:

- the Thought Leadership Capsule Collection;

- the Thought Leadership Annual Strategic Plan;

- the CEO/Company Core Concept™.

Find out more via the Buttons, or click here (or email direct at to arrange a complimentary Zoom call (or similar) of 30 minutes to learn more or to discuss specific Bespoke projects.
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